Sunday 23 June 2013

mid-sem holidays

Thinking back about the holidays......
I didn't do anything productive, really.
The first week was occupied with dance and (a rather depressing) StageArts camp.
The second week was filled with dance, elearning assignments and projects.
Now that it has ended, I'm feeling a little guilty for not studying.
Too late for regrets, oh well. 

Now for the highlight of my holidays!

Love how this girl can make me smile as if I had no care in the world.

Love this daughter to bits.

Light of my life.

Had gang bang today at the new JEM! 
I really wish time froze whenever I hung out with my lovelies. 
It's just the way how we're always ourselves when we're with each other and we just talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk.
Yes, we take loads of pictures too. 
But these are just a few of my favourites hehe. 
Tonight was probably the best time I had since the holidays started.
Blessed to have such friends, no, such a family.

Sunday 2 June 2013

beginnings of june

Yesterday was a day full of rushes.
I rushed to meet two friends, whom very kindly agreed to help me get my Super Show 5 tickets!
Well, hello boys. Looks like we'll be meeting again soon! ;)
Rushed to smss next to pass the gb girls their promised ice cream and caught up with Chloe and the junior officers.
Helped the juniors unpitch their tents and even though I didn't get to command them during drills, it just felt really nostalgic.
During lunchtime, I saw this girl struggling to finish her packet of chicken rice and that moment just brought me back to when me and my friends had to find unfinished chicken wings in a tray of chicken bones whilst in Corporal's camp.
Nostalgia once again.
And so, I went around eating the younger ones' leftover.
It all seems like a chore but I truly enjoyed every moment.

Today was a day full of mixed feelings.
The first was because of a certain db boy I didn't expect to see.
Because I promised Jeremy to meet him 2 hours later so I had to rush my lunch (which was shilin, oh the joy) while watching Breaking Dawn part 2 with the sister.
I was 15 minutes late anyway but surprised him with a hug and a belated birthday cake! :)
The second was because the disgustingly tall jem commented on my physical appearance which made me feel horrible to be honest, but what made it okay was the fact that we've been friends for years and I know he's still willing to be part of my life despite knowing my flaws.
And then we somehow managed to goof around till the time of the choir concert and the concert itself was amazing.
Although I slept through most the alumni segment, I could still hear their voices, which were like lullabies.
That was pretty much my highlight of the day, yup.

And I really would cry if anyone said that to me and truly meant it.