Saturday 6 July 2013

super show 5

A costly, amazing night  

Souvenir takeaways  
Them boys  
My fandom, my family  

Super Show 5.
What else can I say?

It was an amazing and unforgettable night. 
The torturous wait since last year and the even more agonising hours (530AM - 6PM) was worth it in the end. 
After running around collecting cards and banners for 2 hours, it was time to head inside the moshpit. 
Thank God for the Pen C girls, since they organised this so we could get the best spot :)
And so the concert begins....

I was already feeling excited, just thinking about how real and alive they are, just 3 metres away from me. 
The dimming of the lights was a cue for us to scream and so we did. 
The intro vcr brought on more screams.
I won't narrate the whole concert but maybe just the highlights.

1. Amusing introduction.
They all tried introduced themselves one by one in English. Or as everyone else would call it, Engrish. Well they tried their best. The funniest part was when Eunhyuk used Singlish. "I miss you la. Did you miss us la? Are you all having fun la?" Some gave up and used korean/chinese but it was still cool bc translator. Proud Henry just went, "WASSUP SINGAPORE". 

2. How pretty Kangin actually is. 
Like when he dressed up as GaIn, I was seriously taken aback by how pretty he looked even though his physical size was a little awkward in that outfit. With Sungmin as Hyuna, Ryeowook as Bada and Siwon as Son Dambi, they attempted to dance Alone, which resulted in KangIn losing balance lol.

3. Boys in red.
Just having them in red outfits drives me crazy. I mean does everybody not see how their attractiveness increases 10 times when they're in red?????? And the best part was that Eunhyuk was in red with black gloves. MY WEIRD FETISH. I probably lost most of my voice there. 

4. First teardrop.
It was during Daydream. Seeing the white lights and hearing their voices (espcially Kangin's), I just felt so overwhelmed. This was the first time I saw/heard Kangin in a Super Show and the tears just came. I closed my eyes and just sang along, not caring about my going voice. By the way, Daydream fan project success!

5. Eye contact with Eunhyuk.
During Sexy Free and Single, I SWEAR my dancer looked at me. It really took my breath away like oh my god he actually looked at me. I was stunned for a few seconds before shrieking. I actually think he looked over a few times but that could be just the delusional me.

6. Tear stained face.
This happened during their medley ballads. I cried and cried and cried. It got so bad that I had difficulties singing along. I just waved my hands and sang and sobbed all at the same time. I wasn't sure why I cried. Maybe it was because of their voices. Like their voices really soothes me and even the rappers sang so I was really happy. Then the tears wouldn't stop flowing.

7. Sunny.
They taught us how to dance to Sunny and the vcr was really adorable. The camera went around when we did the actions while they were singing. It was like a bonding session haha. With no relation to Sunny at all, the fake guns vcr was really precious and hilarious.

8. Superheroes
 This segment was probably the most precious because seriously, have they no image? It was sooooo nice seeing them let go and just be their playful selves on stage. Bullying each other and annoying each other is really the norm for Super Junior.

9. Tears yet again.
It was during So I if I remember correctly. This song was rarely performed so it was really good listening to it live. Oh and Marry U, I was really surprised I didn't cry here. I just thoroughly enjoyed myself during this song since it was their goodbye song :(

10. Zhou Mi.
I don't even know where to begin. He was and is absolutely flawless. Perfect. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. He waved at me a couple of times (or is that just delusional me again). However, the only time I was certain I caught his attention was when I screamed "周觅, 我爱你!" and waved. He definitely looked at me and waved back. I covered my mouth in disbelief and he saw my reaction, and chuckled. Chuckled. He did that adorable chuckle. Like he tilted his head back a little and gave a small laugh. I just about died there and then. And his little leak that '泰玩美' fansign might be held in Singapore had me all excited again. I really hope I'll see you then and tell you just how big an impact you had and have on me. 

11. Mini Solos.
Henry heard us chanting 'Trap' so he gave in to our demands by dancing the pre-chorus and chorus of Trap. I was hoping he'd sing that for solo but there wasn't any solos at all /inserts disappointed face. However, that small bit of singing and dancing had me dancing for joy. Zhou Mi sang 距離的擁抱 which almost made me cry because I would do anything to hear that live. Did you hear us singing both songs, boys? Our love was poured into those small parts of your solo and every second of it was cherished.

12. Speaking up about Only13s.
I'm so thankful and proud of Eunhyuk for speaking up about this matter. Some fans just don't wake up till one of the members say something about this issue which was been around ever since HenMi joined SJM.

Those things that I thought would impact me the most like HOW TO BE DANCER UNNIR didn't hit me as much. They were washed away by the sincerity and emotions of Super Junior.

So blessed to have known this group of people.
Thank you for being in my life and changing it on the way.
Thank you for bringing your fans together and be as a family, even though we don't know each other.
Through all 15 of you, we've found a common ground and became closer.
Remember our pinky promise.
SGELF will see you guys soon again.