Saturday 10 August 2013

roller coaster of a day

Lovely princesses 

After presenting all my projects for this sem, I was so excited to seeing my lovely princesses once again, after weeks long of not seeing their faces. 

We had a plan of getting Poon a balloon to congratulate her on getting 1st for F&N (woohoo!)  and so Kelley and I headed to amk hub to hunt for one. 
We bought a star balloon in red and went to sit at some cafe so she could charge her phone and have a drink.
That's when the conversation came up; about me being so caught up with my personal life that I neglected my wonderful group of friends.

I don't see myself changing but apparently, she did. 
She said my ego was soaring because I had two people chasing me and that I've been leaving my friends for the one I like. 
Even Poon said she felt left out. 
It hurts to hear them say that they feel like he's taking over their place in my heart.
That is total and utter bullshit.
I know I was in the wrong for not making the effort to meet them but I didn't expect them to feel this way.
It took all I had to stop myself from crying in front of her because I've never shown this side of myself to anybody before. 
She was brutally honest with me and I thank her for that. (However, she texted me later on, saying she still couldn't bring herself to say everything so there's a part 2 to this conversation.)

We left amk hub for school and didn't manage to be there on time to see her awkward bow on stage. 
It was all on video though /inserts smirking emoticon.
But I did catch a few of my old friends! 
Wanted to walk around to find my dear gb girls but there was no time :( 
This girl saw me though! So we got a picture together yay.
One of my fav girls, Charmaine (sis-in-law, tyvm).
We left for tea party after that things were pretty good there.
I mean we ate and talked as per usual but there was a change in air. 
I don't know what it was but there was definitely a change.

Well, anyway, we parted at the bus stop and as per usual again, we hugged each other before we left. 
It was Kelley's second hug that set me off actually.
I cried after that but seeing as how Chloe was freaking out, I told myself to stop.
The tears came once again when I was on the train it didn't stop till I fell asleep.
My sister even 'counselled' me when she saw that something was wrong and try as I could, I couldn't stop the waterworks.
I thought they had gone since I cried till my chest hurt in the shower, but I was wrong.

To end it off, I guess this day was pretty rough.
At that moment, I felt like I had no one.

No one at all.