Wednesday 11 December 2013


Been a few days, feeling the same all the time.
So insignificant, unneeded, irrelevant, unimportant.
I wanna keep it in, yet I wanna let it out at the same time.
I hate feeling like this and I've been trying to stop it by keeping myself busy all the time - dancing, reading, assignments, friends.
But at the end of the day, I realize I just miss him.
I miss him terribly.
I feel so distant from him and all I'm asking for is time to spend together.

Can I just be selfish for once?
Don't meet your friends.
Skip class with me.
Skype me even though you have to study.
Be with me for longer than 5 minutes without having to rush to someplace else.
Long enough for actual conversations to take place.
Longer than a 30 seconds hug.
Longer than a second's kiss.

But I heard that when you love someone, you have to think of them before yourself.
So I'll just be on the sidelines, keeping quiet.

And I'm sorry for needing you more than you need me.