Sunday 19 May 2013

bulbasaur to ivysaur

So yesterday was Student Union day camp! 
Since I stayed up till 3AM watching Survivors Caramoan the night before, I was extremely tired the next morning. 
We reached school and found out we're all in different groups so nonetheless, I felt even less thrilled for the events of the day.
During the introduction games, my group was just like *crickets*. 
But, I'm not quite sure how, Grace, Austine and Ashraf and I bonded extremely well. 
I was already sleepy from the beginning but being with them had my stomach aching from laughter.
From the throwing of leaves in the unsuspecting Ash to Austine's scare. 
They gave me to energy to continue playing the games and eventually, we all got wet.
I dare to say Grace, Fatimah and I were the only sporting girls in the group who dared to play all the games. But I choose to believe every single Bulbasaur member had fun.
Though they kept poking fun at my height, they were caring as well.
When there was a sudden downpour during lunch, Austine offered me his dry seat while he took my place closer to the rain. At that moment, he just gave me a brotherly feeling like damn, I wish he was my brother.
Needless to say, they know who my eye candy is and Grace was soooooo excited for me, I don't even know why ahaha.
Pray they keep their mouths shut. 

All in all, I really had fun.
They gave me the energy boost I needed to last the day.
Thankful for such people in my life though only for a short moment.

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